Mr. Obama is facing a ridiculous number of challenges all at once. I have an idea that could tackle several of them at once: immigration, prison overcrowding, budget deficits, and drug-related violence in Mexican border towns.
I would like to preface this by saying I do not condone drug use in any form and am not an advocate of using marijuana. I think the drug makes one lazy and I don't use it or like it. Of course I have tried it; anyone who says they haven't tried it is either lying, over 50, or a fundamentalist religious zealot.
Here's my Plan:
1-Let's legalize marijuana in the U.S. and convince Mexico it would be in their best interest to do the same. Of course it should only be legal for persons over 21 and law enforcement could focus on more serious problems. This would loosen the stranglehold of the drug cartels. Sure, they will continue to smuggle and sell other drugs, but weed is a major source of their income.
2-Let the FDA regulate it so it is safe (to my knowledge, no one has ever overdosed on pure marijuana).
3-Tax the sh!t out of it. Revenue from taxing marijuana could drastically stimulate the economy.
4-Release all non-violent criminals who are in prison for possesion or use of marijuana. It costs tax payers much more to house a criminal than to keep tabs on him on probation.
5-Let Mexico grow the marijuana. It would create jobs there and lessen the need for Mexicans to cross the border to find work.
Some say you should not legalize marijuana because it is a gateway drug, and if you legalize one drug it will be a slippery slope to legalizing all drugs. Where do you draw the line? I'll tell you- you draw the line at marijuana. It is less dangerous than either alcohol or tobacco. Most other illigal drugs are synthetically produced and create a physical addition (weed is merely a mental addiction). Chemical dependence like on meth or heroine leads to an increase in the crime rate because junkies will do anything for the next fix. Potheads on the other hand or nonviolent. They may not ever amount to anything, but they are not hurting anybody. Why not let them them help pay down the national debt?
5-Let Mexico grow the marijuana. It would create jobs there and lessen the need for Mexicans to cross the border to find work.
Some say you should not legalize marijuana because it is a gateway drug, and if you legalize one drug it will be a slippery slope to legalizing all drugs. Where do you draw the line? I'll tell you- you draw the line at marijuana. It is less dangerous than either alcohol or tobacco. Most other illigal drugs are synthetically produced and create a physical addition (weed is merely a mental addiction). Chemical dependence like on meth or heroine leads to an increase in the crime rate because junkies will do anything for the next fix. Potheads on the other hand or nonviolent. They may not ever amount to anything, but they are not hurting anybody. Why not let them them help pay down the national debt?