Tuesday, September 20, 2011

It's About F--king Time

Today marks the official end of the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy of the United States military. This is of course long overdue, as DADT and has forced many heroes and hard-working Americans to resign their posts. Still, I applaud the Pentagon, Pres Obama and Congress for finally making it happen. The truth is, whether or not someone is gay has been a non-issue for most soldiers (airmen, marines, sailors, etc) for quite some time. If you do your job well, no one worries about your gender, race, religion or sexual orientation. Being in the military forces people to get to know their peers very well, and they know who is gay and for the most part, they just don't care. The only problem was the DADT policy forcing military personnel to continually lie to their commanding officers, which of course violates their code of conduct, creating a Catch-22. I think that prejudice has a half-life and I'm optimistic that it will continue to degrade with each generation.