Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bobby Jindal... a douchebag.

His 'response' to Pres. Obama's speech last night made me a little ill. First of all, it wasn't a response at all because it was just an attack on the stimulus that was obviously prepared before Obama's speech was ever delivered or even read. That means Republicans aren't even listening. How can our President breech the partisan gap when the other side is metaphorically sticking their fingers in their ears and humming while he is trying to speak sense?

Secondly, "Bobby" isn't even his real name, it just plays well in Louisiana. His name is Piyush Jindal, but he couldn't put Piyush on his gubernatorial election signs because it sounds like a terrorist name to elderly white folk (kinda like Barack). Sure people might have thought "Barry" was more accessible, but that would be pandering and Barack Obama is above that.

Republicans are sooo pleased with themselves that they have an Indian-American poster boy. Too bad he's an insincere self-serving prick. I just got a creepy feeling from him, like it was all rehearsed and part of his long-term plan to become President. This is not partisanship talking because I got the same vibe from John Edwards between the last two elections when he was on his well choreographed crusade to help poor people.

The third reason Mr. Jindal is a douche is that he painted funding items such as volcano monitoring and magnetic levitation trains as silly and wastful. FYI-Volcanoes, unlike earthquakes can be predicted, which can save thousands of lives and millions of dollars. Yellowstone is currently in a state of unrest and if it blows it will make our anthropogenic contribution to climate change seem like chump change. Maglev trains have been used successfully for years in European and Asian nations and are a very viable solution to the gridlock between LA and Las Vegas.

So 'Bobby', you can take that folksy smarm and shove it up your ass.

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