Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fitness Tip of the Week

Drink water, and lots of it. Always bring more than you think you'll need when working or playing outdoors. Temperatures shot up here last week and I got seriously dehydrated while working outdoors. During the winter I had been bringing a 1-liter bottle to get me through the day, but in the heat it was not enough. Dehydration makes us stupid and lazy, so even if you are just sitting on your couch, drink fluids (besides beer) to give yourself a fighting chance of ever getting up.
The Mayo Clinic recommends drinking 2 liters a day to replace lost fluids, but of course you may need more if perspiring.
Also, ditch the throw-away bottles. Even if you recycle, they are incredibly wasteful. If you hate the taste of your tap water, sink-mounted filters work well and are cheaper than buying bottled water long-term. Nearly all reusable bottles now sold are Bisphenol A (BPA)-free, so there are no excuses not to use one. Get one for your coffee while you're at it.

-Stay active and play hard-


Reena Bostock said...

Great TIP!!!

Reena Bostock said...

Nalgene makes great BPA bottles. THey last forever and are so durable!