Friday, April 8, 2011

A Plea for Cooperation

I am currently disgusted with both US political parties because the members of congress are not doing their job, which is to act in the best interest of those that elected them. They are acting only in their own self-interest in a fruitless effort to consolidate power for their respective parties. It has been the same scenario for decades-as soon as an election is over the losing party gets to work to derail the winner’s agenda. Even if that agenda will benefit America, it will be subverted to make the incumbent politician look incompetent and therefore unelectable. When will they realize this will not work? The only thing that American voters have shown consistently is that they don’t want one ideology to have complete power. That makes us strong because checks and balances prevent oppression, but unfortunately it has also bred stagnation. If we can not fix our problems because no one can agree on the method, then the U.S. will become unsustainable.

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