Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Okay, maybe I was a little optimistic on the popular vote (52%-I forgot about the Greenies and the Libbys), but I was damn close on the electoral vote. Assuming that we get N. Carolina, that's 364 electoral votes. I really thought we could get Montana and N. Dakota, and Missouri was a squeaker-oh well. It was the most one-sided victory since LBJ.
You da' man Barack!
Kudos to John McCain for his inspiring and gracious concession speech.
Let the healing begin.

P.S. -BHO is my new BFF. I received this exclusive email yesterday.

Lindsay -- I'm about to head to Grant Park to talk to everyone gathered there, but I wanted to write to you first. We just made history. And I don't want you to forget how we did it. You made history every single day during this campaign -- every day you knocked on doors, made a donation, or talked to your family, friends, and neighbors about why you believe it's time for change. I want to thank all of you who gave your time, talent, and passion to this campaign. We have a lot of work to do to get our country back on track, and I'll be in touch soon about what comes next. But I want to be very clear about one thing... All of this happened because of you. Thank you,


Reena Bostock said...

I'm jealous of your new BFF!!! Let the changes begin!

Lindsay said...

My Obama tax-calculator magically transformed! very cool..sorry, can't calm down.