Monday, February 14, 2011


I don’t mean to sound like slaggy Eurotrash already, but the German driving laws are much better than the U.S. They are actually designed to keep traffic moving. There are yield signs unless a STOP sign is absolutely necessary, their traffic lights turn yellow before green so you can prepare to get moving and then there is the fabulous autobahns, which are equivalent to U.S. freeways. Here, the right lane is the cruising lane and the left lanes are passing lanes, not fast lanes. Trucks are not allowed to pass cars if there are only 2 lanes, which is sweet and keeps everything moving. Contrary to popular belief, there are speed limits on many autobahns, but when there is no reason for a speed limit, there is none. And damn, people do haul ass.

Germans take driving very seriously. No one eats, smokes, talks on a phone, or texts while driving. You don’t have to be aggressive to survive the roads in Germany (unlike Las Vegas), but you do have to be very alert.
To sum up in a very stereotypical way, the Germans are just more efficient when it comes to driving.

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