Friday, April 3, 2009

Assault Weapons?!

In the wake of the hostage situation in NY and the news of U.S. weapons being used in the Mexican drug wars, I decided to look up current gun laws. I'm sure many of you are aware, but I was shocked to find out that Congress let the assault weapon ban lapse in 2004. What?! They didn't even try to extend it. I remember in 1994 Pres Clinton signed the bill banning semi-automatic "assault style" weapons which have no practical use other than to wage war or commit terrorism. The ban was a good thing, but apparently in was only in effect for 10 years.
This is an issue that needs to be taken up again. It is as if we all got tired of fighting the powerful lobbist of the NRA and just gave up. Now don't get me wrong, because I am not proposing that we ignore the 2nd Amendment.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

I am suggesting, however, that the words 'Arms' and 'infringed' can be interpreted to benefit the common good. Some things must be regulated and kept out of the hands of private citizens for the safety of us all. No sane person would argue that private citizens should be allowed to own a nuclear weapon. If we can't constitutionally prevent people from owning assault weapons, we should at least stop selling them. People have the right to bear arms, but the government has the right to dictate which weapons should be sold to the public. Just block the selling of guns and ammunition for these extreme weapons which were designed for the sole purpose of killing as many humans as possible.
Responsible people with a clean background check (criminal and mental) should always be allowed to purchase guns for hunting and home defense. However, no one needs to defend his home with an AK-47 or a TEC-9, and hunting with these weapons is just absurd.


Camille Rochelle said...

Linds, I totally agree that in no way shape or form should it be legal to buy a gun like this. My guess is that congress gave up the fight because sadly the fools using these guns aren't buying them legally anyway. However even if the majority of the guns on the street are not legal, it is a scary thought to think of how easy we are making those back room deals to get them on the street! Forward your thoughts to congress! :)

Reena Bostock said...

Great post! I've met numerous people here in the South who purchase AK47's and have those types of weapons, let's just say good thing I'm on their good side. It's scary to think how many people who shouldn't have guns carry them.